Author Guide
The Journal publishes studies on the following topics: public finance (budget system, intergovernmental relations, development and implementation of fiscal, monetary and tax policies etc.), financial markets, insurance, banking, macroeconomic modelling, and international finance.
The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) are assigned to articles.
The rules of submitting, reviewing and publishing scientific articles in the periodical applied science edition Financial Journal
1. For publication we accept scientific articles which correspond to the subject area of the Journal and have not been published before. We will not consider submissions that are currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
2. The editors do not provide paid services to authors. Articles are published free of charge. No publication fee is charged, no remuneration is paid to authors.
3. By submitting a manuscript of a scientific article (hereinafter referred to as the “Article”) to the editorial office authors agree with its editing (literary, technical), publishing and making available online, including an open access to it through the official website of the Scientific Electronic Library (SEL) and on the official website of the Financial Journal (
4. An Article is sent electronically by e-mail to the editors: along with a cover letter.
5. Requirements for an Article. An Article should be submitted as an MS Word file. It is necessary to indicate the following information (in English and Russian): the title of the Article, full names of the authors, their academic degrees and academic titles (if any), e-mail addresses (these are published in the Journal), the full name of the Organization with the mailing address. Annotation to an Article and keywords (4-7) should be also presented in English and Russian languages. Be sure to specify the JEL codes. The text of an Article can be submitted in English or Russian. The volume of the text of an Article – 40,000–60,000 characters with spaces. An Article includes an introduction, main text, divided into sub-headings into parts, a conclusion (conclusions, sentences) and references. Formulas and symbols are typed in the MS Word form editor. Figures (graphs, charts) made in Excel, PowerPoint and other programs are attached as separate files. Links to journals, books, monographs, collections, etc., should be made out within the text of an Article (in square brackets).
[Ivanov, 1978] – quoting the entire Article;
[Ivanov, 1978, p. 15] – quoting on a specific page.
If a cited source has an assigned DOI, you must specify it. The list of sources is given at the end of an Article in alphabetical order. Citing of normative legal documents, newspaper articles, etc., is not included in the list of sources, but is recorded in the form of links at the bottom of the page.
The Financial Journal should be quoted as follows: (example) Ivanov A.A. (2023). Transparent Budget in the System of Public Administration. Financial Journal, 15 (1), 35-49. (In Russ.).
6. An Article is accepted for consideration by the editorial staff if it meets all the requirements specified in paragraphs 1–5 of these Rules.
7. An Article accepted for consideration is registered in the Record Book with its receipt date, title, full names of the authors, their place of employment and contact information specified. An individual registration number is given to each Article. The Senior Editor of the Journal or other editorial staff informs the author(s) of the article registration.
8. All Articles submitted for consideration and corresponding to the subject area of the Journal undergo a mandatory peer review for an expert assessment and plagiarism check.
9. Peer review is anonymous for both reviewer and author. Reviewers are notified that submitted Article represents an intellectual property of the authors and refers to confidential information.
10. According to the review results an Article can be accepted for publication, submitted to the author for revision or rejected. If the review contains recommendations for revision of the Article, the Senior Editor of the Journal submits the text of the review to the author with suggestions to make necessary corrections. An article submitted to the editorial office after its revision is the subject to a new peer review.
If the author sends a revised version of previously rejected Article, the editorial office accepts this article as a new one in accordance with paragraphs 1–8 of these Rules.
11. A preliminary decision on possible publication of an Article or refusal of its publication on the basis of peer reviews and conformity of the materials submitted to the subject area of the Journal is made by the editorial board. The final decision about publication of an Article or refusal of its publication is made by the Editor in Chief.
12. The Senior Editor or other editorial staff informs the author(s) of the decision made by the Editor in Chief, estimated date of publication of the Article or about refusal to publish.